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BaliSpirit Music Concerts

Indulge your love of conscious world music with our intimate BaliSpirit Festival concerts. Shot in The Yoga Barn Online, Sound Shala, in Ubud these concerts bring the beauty of Bali's tropical environment into your heart and home.  Listen to the best of Bali-based world musicians.  

Exclusively priced at $5 purchase music, sound healings, music journeys, kirtan, mantra and more. 
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YogaBarnOnline is not only about yoga classes, it is about sharing the spirit of our community and yoga lifestyle. Discover new conscious and world music solo artists, collaborative ensembles, and duo's in these intimate concerts.

Meditate, bliss out and dance as you tune into the unique, evocative and spiritually uplifting concerts of the following international musicians and healers. 

*All prices in USD.
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