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Kundalini Chakra Yoga

Chakra Activation through Yoga & Meditations

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 9 Videos
 8 Hours

Awaken Your Kundalini Chakra

Description of the programs, background and goal of the program
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Introduction to Kundalini Yoga

Learn Different Techniques

Explore new techniques
  • 1st Chakra, Connection
  • 2nd Chakra, Creativity
  • 3rd Chakra, Empowerment
  • 4th Chakra, Love
  • 5th Chakra, Truth
  • 6th Chakra, Intuition
  • 7th Chakra, Bliss
  • 8th Chakra, Radiance 

Meet Rebecca Pflaum

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How is this program structured?

This specialised Master Yoga Class series offers 8 individual classes, each one focusing on one chakra. Enjoy a full experience guided by Rebecca focusing and refining the potential of each energy center as it is activated through breath, intention and movement.

Each class is 1 hour in length with an Introduction video to help overview the theories and philosophies of Kundalini Yoga as a healing practice. This series is accessible for new or advanced practitioners.

Watch a Short Video from the Program - FREE

Interested and can't wait to see what this meditation course is like? Wanting a taste of what you will learn? Sign up for a free account and watch a 7-min video excerpt from the Chakra Dhyana meditation technique.

Course Overview

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Meet the instructor

Rebecca Pflaum

Rebecca has been living, breathing and teaching the joy of movement, dance and yoga for over 30 years, travelling extensively internationally to share her life, experiences, wisdom, and truths. 
Her journey with Yoga began in 1994 after the birth of her 4th son. She found herself in crippling physical pain throughout her back, hips and neck. Kundalini Yoga was the most transformational and sacred gift she received to recover and reclaim her body, mind and spirit. In turn, she responded to the calling to share this powerful technology with others and has since led many retreats and workshops around the world, including 13 years at the Bali Spirit Festival, Milan Yoga Festival, Evolution Asia Yoga Conference and Namaste Festival. For 6 years Rebecca owned and shared her beautiful retreat centre in Ubud Bali where she hosted teachers and students from every corner of our planet.
Rebecca’s classes are joyful and uplifting, offering a dynamic blend of breathing, movement, postures, meditation, mantras, mudras and relaxation. This sacred science enables you to tap into your vast reservoirs of potential to feel abundantly creative, live graciously and gratefully!
Patrick Jones - Course author
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