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Private Healing Sessions

Detox, Distant Healing Sessions, Life Coaching & More

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Join these insightful and healing live sessions to directly connect with our teachers and healers - to receive distant treatments, ask your questions, to learn and to emerge with a deeper understanding of wellbeing, personal development, healing arts and more! These sessions are led live via Zoom.

1-on-1 Online Healing Sessions

Melani Koch

Melani is a soft and nurturing soul with a true spiritual gift. Melani is our in-house Reiki Master who has found sanctuary in this transformative work. Like an alchemist she is transforming darkness into light. Her magic is unleashing the gifts & treasures in her clients. She offers powerful Reiki Healing Treatments in person & online. Her mission is to spread Self-Healing & Empower your innate gifts as a Healer & Lightworker with our Online Reiki Trainings.

Reiki Healing & Coaching with Melani

This is a powerful combination of Coaching & Healing to reach into the subconscious, where we hold so much hidden that holds us back. It’s the most effective way to dissolve blockages in a very short period of time. During a healing you experience how blockages will clear and experience more balance and clarity. Reiki provides the body with a very nurturing energy that supports the body, mind & spirit to start healing itself. On a deeper level, Reiki can reprogram your subconscious mind allowing you to release any limiting or self-defeating thoughts and feelings empowering you to reconnect to your true essence.

Who this is for

Melani has supported hundreds of women that are in a big life transition and want to step into a life of more meaning and share their true gifts. On how to overcome their fears & self-doubt and to own their strength & vision.

Single Reiki Healing & Coaching Session (90min)

Reiki Healing & Coaching Journey
(13 sessions in 3 months)


An acclaimed spiritual guide for more than 10 years, Wakuha has extensive experience leading clients on their spiritual journeys in search of answers. Wakuha started learning about spirituality and meditation at 13 years old. Since 2011, Wakuha has been teaching at the Yoga Barn where she shares her insights and wisdom from a constant quest for true freedom. Through Wakuha’s guidance and meditative presence, many clients have gone through enormous spiritual growth and deep transformations. Be enlightened by the experience with Wakuha. Trust and allow her to guide you on a deeper spiritual journey.

Spiritual Growth Coaching with Wakuha

Spiritual growth refers to the continuous positive transformation of our inner selves. This is achieved through the self-acknowledgement of who we really are and the remembrance of our true nature.

Wakuha will lead you into a flowing meditative state to describe your issues. She will identify the real challenges that have hindered your growth and will unfold the causes that have prevented you from living the life you are meant to have. As you are guided to see your own light, negativity is removed. Perceptions and the energy within you will also shift. You will achieve a deeper sense of awareness, attain greater clarity and gain a stronger connection with your inner wisdom.

What to expect

This new empowerment, together with continual self-rediscovery, will help you develop a more intimate relationship with yourself. You will be led to greater self-awakenings towards the path of enlightenment through Wakuha’s insights and teachings.

“May you become who you were born to be and enjoy fulfilment, contentment and freedom” – Wakuha

Spiritual Growth Coaching Session (90min)

Oksana Sokol

Oksana is the resident Holistic Health Educator and Detox Facilitator at the Yoga Barn. Her personal journey with health challenges led her to the science of fasting, nutrition with living foods and energy healing. With a background in Natural Hygiene she works by addressing the diet and the elimination channels to effectively restore health on a cellular level within the body.

Oksana's holistic and very down to earth approach to wellness will empower you to make accessible lifestyle choices that will lead to optimum health for your mind and body.

Wellness and Detox - Nutrition Consultant with Oksana

Oksana will instruct/guide you toward healing protocols with education on how to support you get to the root causes for symptoms and ailments. She’s had great success helping people with post-covid recovery where symptoms have lingered and energy has been low supporting to boost and strengthen client overall immunity and respiratory health. She addresses common concerns for skin issues, hair loss, pain in joints, PMS, losing stagnant weight, progressing to more chronic digestive issues. In her sessions awareness around lifestyle habits and diet are key to help her guide you to heal and for sustainable health changes. Oksana is ready to discuss and symptom or illness. Everyone needs support.

Follow up sessions are recommended to help motivate and stay on course.

How to prepare

Please have these answers ready for your session :
  1. What supplements or herbs you are taking?
  2. Are you taking medication?
  3. How often do you exercise?
  4. How would you describe your diet?

Wellness and Detox - Nutrition Consultant (60min)

Pranic Purification Healing with Oksana

Energies can get stagnant, decisions can’t be made, patterns and habits keep you looping. Connecting to your true source connection, together with Oksana you will enter the field of pure love holding your intention to be cleared, released and resolved. This space is for you to bring awareness to that which you want shifted. In the first halve of the session you will discuss the issue at hand as words give rise to the needs, followed by the stillness of the healing purification. 

How to prepare

Please be in a comfortable seat for the session. A short but very concentrated time in space where time itself collapses we become mirror conjugates for one another amplifying the desired outcome into reality.

Pranic Purification Healing (30min)

Susan Spilman

After many years as a traditional psychologist in private practice and community mental health, in both in-patient and out-patient settings, Susan Spilman has found that combining her psychology background with energy modalities is more effective and more engaging than traditional forms of help.

Magical U with Susan Spilman

What is Magical U?

Magical U is an engaging and fun way to identify feelings that are trapped and are preventing you or your child from being successful in their goals or studies. The idea is to identify and express your child’s feelings in a game format, and see that they don't have to hold on to them. Magical U helps you let go of the feelings that are no longer serving you. Magical U has four steps using cards that help you or your child identify what feelings are trapped, where it happened and what is 'needed' to release them, which we do with an energy release. In the last stage of the game you get to choose how you would like to feel going forward and bring that in as new programming. This last is an important and exciting step where kids and adults get to choose and define how they would like to feel, leaving you with the feeling of greater possibilities and excitement about moving forward.

Single Magical U with Susan Spilman (90min)

What to expect

In parent-child session, the parent is first introduced to the game, discussing the concerns about their child and then how the game is played and their role as an observer in this phase. Susan then play the game with the child--most children love this game--and afterwards the parent and Susan will discuss the results and ways to move forward.

"Susan has been a psychologist for over 30 years, working with families and individuals.In regard to child safety,  sessions at YBO involving children are always done with a parent or guardian present and involved, thus ensuring the safety of the child, as some countries mandate."

Jaz Goven

Jaz Goven is and a dynamic, fun, ‘cut to the chase’ therapist and the creator of www.fasttracktechnique.com who walks her talk and is passionate about helping others do the same. Having accrued over 20 years’ experience in the healing arena, Jaz’s clients are as varied as life itself and she treats each one with the generous attention they deserve. She has a natural ability to connect with people from all walks of life, and her thriving practice is the result of intuitive mastery and a sincere heartfelt approach.

Fast Track Technique with Jaz Goven

Although we are all products of our past, we do not need that past to define us in the present or the future. fasttracktechnique.com is a unique system that allows you to get to the ‘root cause’ of a problem by delving deeply into old subconscious programming, where past negative events and situation are remembered and limiting you in the present. Once located it is easy to release these blocks and replace with what you want today!

Who this is for

Anyone who is looking for change, transformation, and healing. FTT offers solutions, brings clarity, promotes healing, and inspires change. If you’ve tried everything else and it isn’t working FTT is for you – it gets results and is only limited by your imagination. For your Fast Track Session, you should have a small crystal or magnet to use as a releasing tool Water to drink Since a lot of information comes through, all sessions are recorded and sent to you along with support material within 24 hours of your session.

Single Fast Track Technique with Jaz Goven (90min)

Kerry Clancey

After a near-death experience, Kerry received a calling to help others on their spiritual path. She was given clear messages from Buddha and Ascendant Masters to share her teachings and wisdom in order to guide others in following their true power, life purpose, and inner well-being. . Her spiritual teachings take you into the sacred chambers of the heart, which is where wisdom & self-realization live.

Intuitive Healing Consultation with Kerry Clancey

In Kerry's session, either online or 1 on 1 your consultation with Kerry uses dialogue that is channeled, using intuitive gifts to connect with your spirit guides, higher self, and life purpose. As she works through life's traumas, painful emotional memories, or other disharmonies, she helps you to develop your intuition and tune into your psychic abilities, connecting with your spiritual ancestors, the angelic realm, and spirit guides, allowing a deep and powerful spiritual relationship with divine light. This powerful transformation will offer self-empowerment techniques to overcome and heal your own traumas, including deep childhood emotional blocks, creating a healthy, fulfilled, abundant, and more desirable life. Her offerings include powerful Reiki therapy, Heart attunement therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and channeling techniques to become your own channel of the light journey, creating divine feminine“Sophia’s Codes” and Light Code Activation.

What to expect

Kerry uses her own channeled dialogue, which is intuitively given to her in the session/s. Once the emotional trauma, or spiritual blocks are identified an energetic spiritual shift is created within, bringing in a deep heart-felt connection with divine source energies. The formula for this technique is different for all because we all have different needs and obstacles to overcome. This very powerful blueprint opens up and aligns the higher consciousness within, bringing in self-love to heal.

Single Intuitive Healing Session
(60 min)

*All prices in USD.

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