Ohayo Yoga (Morning Yoga)

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45 MIN


* 内観する。朝一番、寝起きの素顔で素直な自分の状態を内側から観察する。(たった数分でも良し)
* リンパ節の調整、関節をほぐし滑らかにすることで気の流れを整える。
* 背骨調整。(自律神経調整にも役立つ)
* グラウンディング。特に忙しく気が急いてる時など、頭の方に意識が偏っている場合、地に足をつけ、エネルギーの循環。
* 体全体をダイナックに動かし、陽のエネルギーを活性化し、その体を必要な方向へと伸ばすことで源と繋がる。
* それぞれの体の状態、心の状態に合わせ、体の前面、胸を開いていく。
* 頭をすっきりさせて、1日の始まりへと。



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Meet the instructor

Malika Makiko

In her early twenties, Malika dedicated her life to explore into spiritual practice. After she met Hiroshi Motoyama (Japanese parapsychologist, scientist, spiritual guide and also inspiration for Paul Grilley's Yin Yoga), she practiced Oki Yoga for 4 years. She is licensed as a RYT-200 yoga teacher and moxa therapist. Her experience of Vipassana Meditation by S.N. Goenka inspired her to study Biodynamic Craniotomy Sacral Therapy. Living in Bali since 2006, she developed a holistic approach to Yoga that she is now sharing to the world. Her quest to our original source led her to meet a divine channel with whom she is now discovering the different aspects of our mystical being. She is exploring through her practice the deeper realms of nature’s creative energy. In this world of change and transformations, how deeply we can connect within ourselves will shape our sense of harmony with our surroundings and help us find our inner balance.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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