Juliya Light
Juliya Light's yoga journey began at the Tibetan Alternative Medicine School of Parapsychology "Wu-Wei". In the Egyptian Desert of the Sinai Peninsula, she mastered Shivananda Indian traditions from Dharamsala under the guidance of Gaby Anjali. Her heart then led her to Bali, where she obtained certification in Hatha-Vinyasa Flow Styles YTT, becoming a registered Yoga Alliance Trainer.
After years of teaching and practice, Juliya traveled to India to pursue Advanced Vinyasa and Yin Chinese Medicine YTT, enhancing her relaxation skills and facilitating the release of old traumas. Returning to Bali, she immersed herself in Traditional Tantra training, following the Patanjali lineage with Octavio Salvado. She then expanded her skills to become a Fly High, Acro Yoga, and Aerial Silks practitioner and teacher under the mentorship of José Luis Jiménez.
Juliya Light continues her yoga adventure off the mat every day, seeking to find joy in everything around her. Through her classes, she shares her passion for life and yoga with everyone.